What Will You Gain?

About The Event
Swami Anand Arun with share Osho’s insights on Meditation and to realize your full potential.
We invite you to this monthly journey in the company of loving online sangha.
What to expect?
– Osho’s insights on meditation
– Q&A : Personalized answers to your long-awaited questions : please send relevant questions in advance (one question only please)
– Guided Meditation
– Osho Discourse: An insightful discourse in the company of the online Sangha
– Energy Darshan (Shaktipat): A ‘no-where’ else experience of Divine energy at the comfort of your home
Complete your registration with below contribution options:
Paypal(40$ and sliding scale)- Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=7PCQQRY9WB8M8&source=url
Location: Zoom Video Call-
Or send as family and friends (gift) to oshosandiego@gmail.com – Preferred method.
For Friends in India and Nepal:
– India (INR 500) : PayTM : Send contribution to 9038084166 [payment screenshot WhatsApp to +9779847807082 for confirmation] – Nepal (NPR 500) : eSewa ID: 9847807082 (through option Send Money} and send receipt voucher via Viber to mob: + 9779847807082 for confirmation.
Date: 3-hrs, Sep 26, 2020 06:30 AM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Workshop times:
- Nepal NPT – 19:15
- India IST – 19:00
- United Kingdom BST – 14:30
- New York, USA EDT – 09:30AM
- Lon Angeles: 6:30 AM PDT
- Dallas, USA CDT – 08:30 AM
More Times at: www.timeanddate.com
You will receive a meeting confirmation with log-in details, post completion of payment. Watch our for emails from tapobanzoom@gmail.com, check your spam folder.
Other information –
– Want Swami ji to answer your question? Send it in advance to questions@swamianandarun.com
– Please email to oshosandiego@gmail.com by Sept 24th, 9:00 PM in case of financial difficulties, limited scholarships are available.
– Please know that you can only join with one device per registration
Swami Anand Arun

A humble human being, an ardent disciple of Osho, an international meditation teacher and author, Bodhisattva Swami Anand Arun has touched the lives of thousands of people around the world. Named as 100 influential people of Nepal, Swami Arun has spent his entire life inspiring people to live more wholesomely, a life that embraces the material and the spiritual both. He says his basic ingredient is love.
“Wherever I go, I go with love and share love. Everything else is secondary.” – Swami Anand Arun
In 1990 Swamijee’s same warmth, compassion and love materialized in the form of Osho Tapoban, an international meditation ashram and growth center in Nepal. Today he has opened and inspired more than 10 ashrams, 100 meditation centers in Nepal and more than 200 centers globally. An author of 5 national bestsellers Swamijee has brought the world closer to eastern mysticism and masters by expressing his deep experience and learning through his books. As a passionate speaker and meditation teacher, every year Swamijee travels around the world facilitating meditation retreats and talks. To name a few he has spoken and facilitated meditation workshops for the military and police personnels, staffs of international media houses, secretaries and ministry staffs, Government IT professionals, staffs and members of political parties. As an environment enthusiast and visionary Swamijee has successfully initiated and implemented the “Plant a tree on your birthday’ program which has received a huge support nationally. For his contribution to the society, the President of Nepal awarded him with the state honor Prabal Janasewa Shree Award.
Journey so far...

Books Written /
Initiated disciples from 90 countries /
Communes and Centers around the world /
Years since his association with Osho /


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